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Producer as a Bridge製作人作為橋樑
10/25 18:00-19:30
Taikung Theatre B1 Studio台江劇場B1排練室
國際製作人:Step Out Arts足跡藝術 創辦人、製作人、策展與管理:葉紀紋
國際創意製作人 Henriette Kassay-Schust
臺灣資深製作人葉紀紋和和澳洲製作人 Henriette Kassay-Schuster將聯合舉辦一場講座,名為「製作人作為橋樑」放鬆交流會:旨在製作人如何將身心障礙藝術家與社區聯繫起來,創造機會?將藝術家與觀眾聯繫起來,培養關係。這次活動將與參與者分享實踐與如何反映這些目標;並探索共同價值觀、共同願景,通過國際合作進行交流和知識分享的機會。
Senior producers Jih Wen YEH (Taiwan) and Henriette Kassay-Schuster (Australia) will host a talk titled ‘Producer as a Bridge,’ an informal gathering focused on how producer can connect artists with disabilities to communities, create opportunities, and link artists with audiences to foster relationships. This event aims to share how our practices achieve these goals and to explore shared values, common visions, and opportunities for exchange and knowledge sharing through international collaboration.
Creative Path of a Visual Impaired Artis視覺障礙者的創作之路
10/26 11:00-12:00
Culture Study Room文化研究室
Hsu Chia Feng 許家峰
For visually impaired individuals, creating visual art might seem like an unattainable dream. But does visual art solely rely on the use of sight? What kind of artistic outcomes can we achieve if we create through non-visual senses? How can the creative experience beyond vision be extended and highlighted? In this talk, we are honored to have visually impaired artist Hsu chia-feng join us to share how he uses non-visual sensory perceptions to create a series of captivating visual artworks.
ONIKHO Creative Sharing Carina HO/ONIKHO創作分享
10/26 13:00-14:30
Culture Study Room文化研究室
ONIKHO/Carina Ho
During this talk, ONIKHO, a music and dance artist from the United States, will be sharing her journey to becoming a touring musical and dance artist after becoming disabled. She'll talk about her experiences dancing professionally with AXIS Dance Company, and how dance taught her how to become an advocate for people with disabilities. She will close the talk by sharing a video of her choreography on dancers with disabilities.
Sharing by physical disabled social impactor Fulin 抗癌鬥士的抗癌之路
10/27 13:00-14:30
Culture Study Room文化研究室
At the age of five, I was diagnosed with lymphoma. Because it was discovered late, the cancer cells had spread throughout my body, resulting in permanent paralysis of my lower body. During my school years, I faced many challenges, and my health condition often deteriorated, leading to frequent illnesses and the need to take antibiotics regularly. Despite the difficulties in life, I have continued to face everything with optimism and perseverance. In this talk, I will share my personal journey—how I confronted such a challenging life, being diagnosed with cancer at five and becoming permanently paralyzed at five—and how I managed to transform and change my life.